Studio Recordings: from € 40.00/h ((direct to 2-track master) to € 60.00/h (digital multitrack)

Live Recordings: from € 40.00/h (direct to 2-track master) to € 80.00/h (digital multitrack)

Film Music, Audio Book and Radio Drama Production: from € 40.00/h

Mixing from Digital Multitrack to Stereo or 5.1 Surround, Digital Editing and Postproduction: € 40.00/h

Audio Format Transfers: € 30.00/h

CD/DVD/SACD-Authoring and CD/DVD/SACD/Vinyl Manufacturing: (POA)

Composing and Arranging for Feature Film and TV Productions: (POA)

All contracts are subject to a 30% advance, CD/DVD/SACD/Vinyl Manufacturing to a % 100 advance. Invoices payable 30 days net. Above prices are exclusive 19% VAT and do not include expenses for travel, materials or artistic fees.